Ngoolark Rangers
Bringing people back to country
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation has laid strong foundation for the development of sustainable business enterprises by utilising the Ngoolark Rangers in the areas of:
- Conservation and Land Management;
- Horticulture and Bushfoods;
- Cultural Heritage Tourism.
Greening Australia, 20 Million Trees Project
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation's Ngoolark Rangers are an emerging ranger group based at Badgebup WA, in the Shire of Katanning.
When Greening Australia approached the BAC in 2018, to undertake a series of planting projects in the south west and mid-west regions as part of their '20 million trees' program, the formed the Ngoolark Rangers to undertake the work, which took them to a number if places in and around Katanning, Badgebup and ended up in the mid-west at Perenjori. Since then, the Ngoolark Rangers have planted more than 800,000 seedlings in the Southwest and Midwest regions of WA.
The BAC are now developing a more a sustainable model in the Central Great Southern Region to encourage more participation in conservation and land management programs with other Ranger groups operating in the region.
Future works include:
- Land Management (Greening Australia,20 Million Trees)
- Horticulture and Bushfoods (G-Link Project)
- Aboriginal Place Name Project (Shire of Katanning, Community Arts Network-CANWA).
Short Term Vision:
Ngoolark (Carnaby's Cockatoos) Habitat Restoration
This project will be supported by DCBA and the Shires of Katanning and Kent, and will specifically look at recovery actions for the endangered carnaby cockatoos on public and private lands in the Badgebup-Kwobrup area (a world-recognised place for nesting, roosting and feeding). Carnaby numbers are declining due to reduced food sources and destruction of natural habitat and breeding grounds.
Degraded Land Restoration Program (G-Link Project)
Greening Australia and Woodside have signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) to collaboratively undertake large-scale, biodiverse native tree planting projects that will generate quality carbon offsets. Greening Australia believes a sustainable carbon market positions native tree planting as one of the most compelling and effective forms of carbon offsetting.
The pilot program will formally commence in 2020, with the aim to scale up on-ground work upon the successful completion of the range of environmental and economic viability studies on the other large-scale opportunities and the establishment of a more sophisticated native seed supply model and investment into Indigenous enterprises and communities whose capabilities and knowledge are critical enablers to the vision.
Healing the Land Program
This Project involves planting programs at places identified through the 'Aboriginal Place Name Project'. The healing programs will include members of the "Stolen Generations" and students planting a tree in memory of their ancestors or loved ones.
The native species will help to restore ecosystem and biodiversity and facilitate community healing and reconciliation with the broader community.
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News About
Ngoolark RangersRanger training at Gnowangerup Youth Hub High School workshops Ranger training Katanning Harmony Day Ranger Funding success A warming winter tale New accommodation at Badgebup Help when it’s needed most Rangers come clean on drugs and alcohol Great Southern Bushfood in Albany Lotterywest support Rangers partnership with Parks and Wildlife -
Strategic Outcomes -
Case Study -