Lotterywest support

The Hon Darren West MLC travelled to Badgebup on Friday, 30 August 2019 to meet the Board of the Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation and present a Lotterywest cheque for $60,000 to Chairperson John Rodd for the purchase of a vehicle and trailer for the Ngoolark Rangers team.


Pictured: The Hon. Darren West is the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food; Ports; Minister assisting the Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade.


We are thrilled with the grant from Lotterywest, they are a great partner and this funding will assist our Ranger team to build capacity in our land-based enterprises. We are also grateful for the advice and support from the Minister and the State Government for assisting us to build stronger and more resilient communities in the Central Great Southern Region of WA

Julie Hayden Business Development Manager



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