South Regional TAFE
South Regional TAFE is a key partner for Aboriginal Training in our area. The college is a leader in the delivery of accredited training with highly qualified professional lecturing staff dedicated to building the capacity of current and future employees through training and skills recognition leading to formal qualifications, economic empowerment and prosperity in the region.
South Regional TAFE Aboriginal Programs staff help students by providing the following services:
- Course information and selection
- Study assistance
- Tutoring support
- Mentoring
- Study application assistance
- Fees and payment assistance
Staff from the Aboriginal Programs branch work with BAC to identify opportunities to deliver customised programs leading to employment. For example, the Smart Farm Partnership has resulted in BAC assisting with recruitment, support and finding work opportunities for 6 Aboriginal Trainees in the Certificate II course in horticultural studies.
Aboriginal Programs Staff: Pictured are (L-R): Melissa Berrigan (Katanning), Jasmine Drew (Albany),Laurence Riley (Narrogin), Beverly Thomson (Bunbury), Tanya Paunic (Albany), Shirley Hansen (Albany), Tracy Bellotti (Bunbury).